
My accomplishment list

The foundation of Feeling Fulfilled Fridays is focusing on what makes us feel accomplished, as inspired by a post on Seagull Fountain. I thought about things that make me feel accomplished (mostly as a mother but also a person), things that I can do in a relatively short amount of time, Feeling Fulfilled Fridays badgeperhaps daily.

I hope that as I focus on these simple things, I’ll be able to build on that sense of accomplishment and at the end of the day, I’ll be able to look back and see that I did something.

So here’s my list!

  • Read scriptures with the kids.
  • Exercise.
  • Make a healthy dinner and serve it before 7 PM.
  • Play with the kids.
  • Remain patient.
  • Recording precious moments.
  • Do laundry promptly.
  • Teach the kids something new.
  • Finish a good book.
  • Reach other stories to the kids.
  • Have a clean house.
  • Enforce rules (or chores).
  • Publish a good blog post.
  • Go out with the kids, especially for something fun for them.
  • Defuse or anticipate tantrums.

What makes you feel super accomplished? Blog your list for an entry in the October Group Writing Project!

3 replies on “My accomplishment list”

Quite a list! An attainable one. You can do it. What good books are you going to read?

@Mom—Attainable is part of the point! As for books, my friend brought over the rest of the Hunger Games trilogy, and I have two novels out from the library. We’ll see how they measure up.

Thanks, Stef!

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