Happy Halloween!
We almost didn’t do a family costume this year, since initially Rebecca wanted to be a princess and Hayden wanted to be a ghost. After flirting with the idea of pirates, finally Hayden settled on . . . KING, “for Princess Becca.” (Becca, however, insisted she was “Princess Beyya” and also from Princess and the Frog. Got me.)
Rachel’s sticky gem tiara lasted longer than half her earrings—but still not very long.
I made Rebecca’s dress, and you can read more about that over on Wayward Girls’ Crafts (if that doesn’t work, I’ll be along to fix it soon!).
Here’s the royal family. If Hayden’s the king, I guess I’m the Regent. No way I’m letting my five year old rule the country. And I just realized our royal orders are worn opposite. Oh well.
At the end of the night, we handed down our tiaras for a little while:
And where was Ryan? Well, mostly he was running the church Halloween party, but when you caught a glimpse of him, he was part of the entourage, too.
Head of royal security, of course. (And yes, it was his idea.)
What are you doing for Halloween?
5 replies on “Halloween!”
All the costumes look fantastic! I love Hayden’s haircut and Becca’s hairstyle!
holy guacamole, Jordan! those costumes are A-MAZE-ING!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE Becca’s gold dress! Gorgeous! You made that? Wow. How many hours did it take you? Did you make your dress too? You guys look pretty awesome. I’m really really impressed, and I’m not just saying that because I’m your friend.
I can’t believe you made those costumes! That’s so impressive. Love the hubby’s costume too. I always like family Halloween costumes but we have never done it. Maybe next year.
Becca is your mini me! I love them all!
Wow! These are tremendous.