
Another identity crisis?

Lately, Hayden has started constantly asking “What’s your name?” This includes repeatedly querying people he’s known his entire life, like his Aunt Jaime and, oh, I don’t know, Ryan and me (AKA “Dad” and “Mom,” respectively).

Today, after he called me “Dordeeback” (JordeeBec) and asked what my name was a few times, we asked him what his name was.

His first answer, oddly enough, was not “Hayden.” I believe he gets this from my side of the family, and specifically from my Aunt Jennifer, who routinely told people her name was “Peter Pan Pinocchio.” Oh and his Aunt Jasmine, who also had a creative name once upon a time, but I think she would be displeased if I wrote it here. (Want to weigh in there, Jaz?)

And what did he give as his name?

“Pokie Parket.”

Nice choice, Pokie.

9 replies on “Another identity crisis?”

I agree Pokie Parket is a great choice.

I’m considering naming my next child Pokie. I’m convinced it suits both genders.

That is adorable. 🙂

My son has been doing the same thing! He asks everyone – what is your name? What is your middle name?


My brother, as a preschooler, went through a phase where he refused to be called anything except “Boy” He even made my aunt write it on the rulers she got us for school that year. It was funny, because we all just called him that and when it was over, it was over–like it was perfectly natural. (Yes, even my parents were calling him that, much to their chagrin)

@Mumple—That reminds me! My Uncle Paul was convinced his name was Boy because that’s what my Paw Paw always called him.

Same family as Aunt Jennifer. Hm….

Sounds like a very good name to me! My daughter calls us by our first name all the time. SHe likes to point out..your trisha, your chris, im charlotte. Yeah, yeah, we know. But im MOMMY. No, your trisha.

how do you argue with that?


@Trisha—I usually tell him, “Yes, that’s my name, but you’re one of two people in the whole world who get to call me Mommy, and that’s a very special name.”

I think he understands that my name is Jordan, but he calls me Mommy.

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