
Before I was a mom: August Group Writing Project Finale

Before we start the festivities, I want to note that the Internet ate another entry:

So here is the complete list:

MamaBlogga Group Writing Project

Now, feel free to spread the link love by copying the above list (instructions) and posting it to your own blog. They all deserve it—but you don’t have to take my word for it (thanks, LeVar Burton); just read them!

And the winner, chosen at random, is . . .

Before I was a mom; I had time and money by Kate

Kate has participated in the GWP for years, so I’m especially happy to reward her continued diligence and creativity with a $30 Amazon gift card, which should be winging its way to you soon, Kate. Congratulations!!

Thanks to everyone who participated and be sure to subscribe so you won’t miss the next GWP!

One reply on “Before I was a mom: August Group Writing Project Finale”

Woo hoo! I am thrilled. Winning this particular GWP has been a long held dream of mine. I just came home from vacation to the good news. Thanks for the opportunity Jordan!

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