
Best things about babies

In the beginning, nearly everything about babies is wonderful. A few months in, of course, and the novelty has worn off. Give it another year, and suddenly you miss nearly everything about the baby stage.

So before I forget too many of them, here are some of my favorite things about babies.

  • The sweet smell of baby! (And no, I don’t mean diapers!)
  • Fuzzy, downy hair, especially right after it’s been washed and dried.
  • Wide eyes taking in everything.
  • Tiny fingers, toes, ears, nose, mouth—and clothes.
  • Sweet, peaceful sleep (right up until I get a neck cramp)
  • Unfettered, unabashed smiles, happy squeals and cheerful posturing—especially the sheer joy at just seeing Mommy or Daddy.
  • The quiet moments.
  • Baby babbling.
  • The delight of discovering hands, then feet.

What are your favorite things about the baby stage?

4 replies on “Best things about babies”

-The way you can see the light in their head go on behind their eyes when they understand something new.
-A freshly washed baby and freshly washed baby clothes.
-An ever-ready cuddling partner.
-The way their stomach gets so big and round when it’s full.
-The new perspective of discovery.

I actually have a rough time for the first few months, until they smile and sleep for a good chunk of the night. Then life becomes absolutely delightful. I love this first year!

-When you’re feeding them and they reach their hand up to explore your face.
-The little snuggly moves they make right before they’re about to fall asleep.
-Their first real smile that’s not related to gas!
-The very first time you meet eye to eye and realize this little person is about to change your life.

Great lists, lovely ladies!

@Monica—I love your first one, except for the fact that Rebecca has really sharp nails. I’m going to end up all scratched up one of these days/nights!

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