Kids/Parenting Random


I wrote this haiku today while nursing Hayden.

His tiny palms are
the perfect size for catching
my tender kisses

There was a debate over whether it should be ‘my tender kisses’ or ‘Mom’s tender kisses.’ I like the personal touch of ‘my,’ but I wouldn’t want it to be construed the wrong way.

They are, by the way. His pudgy little palms are just the size of my pursed lips. I kiss his hands when he reaches up for my face.

I hope I don’t get him sick!


The debate is over

The debate is over!

He’s definitely crawling now!


Thanks, Auntie Erin!

This week (and last week, actually), we got packages from my friend/sister Erin. Hayden has new toys! Does he like them? Let’s see:

Playing with Baby Einstein blocks (I love these things! I got some for my niece last year and wanted to get some for Hayden, but hadn’t gotten around to it yet.)
Also PeekRattle&Teethe blocks: think he likes them?

He hasn’t warmed up to Baby Croki yet:

Hayden (and I) are very excited about his new toys. He’s going to need a bigger toy box!

Thank you, Auntie Erin!



I love web analytics. But I found something slightly disturbing as I sifted through my MamaBlogga analytics data. Among the keywords used on Google that led to this site was “nakey.”



Big day!

A big day for Hayden today, if you think this counts as crawling:

Yes or no?

Well, even if that doesn’t qualify as crawling, it’s still a big day: tooth #2 made its big debut today.

How is Hayden taking it? We’re coming up on hour #2 of trying to put him to bed. If it’s not one thing, it’s another!


Patience, my dear mama

Today I realized that I’m actually more patient with Hayden when I don’t have help.

The more I think about this, the more sense it makes. When I have someone around to help me, I expect them to (surprise) help me. So I can run out of patience and pass him off.

When I’m alone, there’s no one else to take him, so I just can’t run out of patience. At least not until after 6—usually about the time Hayden starts to freak out, I’m trying to make dinner, and Ryan’s heading home from work—not a moment too soon!