Random MetaBlogging

Connect with MamaBlogga!

I am so glad to have you here on MamaBlogga! I’d love to see you around again, here or anywhere. So let’s be friends! Here are thirteen ways you can connect with MamaBlogga:

  1. Subscribe: You can have updates delivered to your feed reader—and always full feeds!. (Of course, we want to thank everyone who’s already subscribed!) New to RSS? Learn more about using RSS to get updates from your favorite sites at your convenience, or:
  2. Subscribe to the e-mail newsletter: Just like subscribing to the RSS feed (#1), only updates are delivered daily to your inbox.
  3. Add MamaBlogga to your bookmarks/favorites so you can come back again soon.
  4. Add MamaBlogga to your Technorati favorites. And you can connect with me personally: I’m Jordee on Technorati.
  5. StumbleUpon: I’m JordeeBec on StumbleUpon. Add me as your friend and I’ll return the favor. (See my post on StumbleUpon to learn more about one of my favorite web services.)
  6. CafeMom: I’m MamaBlogga on CafeMom. Again, add me as a friend and I’ll return the favor.
  7. MyBlogLog: Join the MamaBlogga community on MyBlogLog! Feel free to add me as a contact, too.
  8. BlogCatalog: Join the MamaBlogga neighborhood.
  9. Digg: Are you a member of Digg? I don’t use it very often (can’t stand the comments!), but it’s been helpful for work once in a while. I’d be glad to be your friend!
  10. kirtsy (née sk*rt): I’m MamaBlogga here. I heard such good things about them that I just had to join. I haven’t really used it yet, but you can add me as your friend and I’ll return the favor! Looks like they’ve given up on the friending feature…
  11. I’m JordeeBec here. I used to use it a lot (it was how I got categories on my old Blogger), but I haven’t really done anything there in months. Still, I’d be happy to be in your network if you’re on there!
  12. E-mail: If you really need my attention, feel free to e-mail me: blog (at)
  13. My contact form can save you the trouble of firing up your mail program, though.

Just like Daddy

I was sitting in my room Sunday when Hayden marched in quite matter-of-factly (for a 16 month old, you know). He purposefully set about his business:

Just like daddy


Thirteen Reasons for the Group Writing Project

Yep, next week is the MamaBlogga Group Writing Project II. I finally came up with a good idea for the topic and I’m really excited to see what people will say about it!

Wondering if you should participate? I recommend it! Here’s why

  1. It’s fun. Really, it is.
  2. It’s challenging to fit into a topic, even though it’s really general.
  3. You don’t have to think of a topic for once. Aren’t you glad I made your life a little easier.
  4. It brings you visitors. I saw my traffic increase by 46% that week. See the redux to see how many visitors I sent out last time.
  5. It brings you comments. Almost 60% more comments. Again, see the redux for details.
  6. It’ll make me happy. I know that’s your ultimate goal in life 😉
  7. It’s a great way to find cool new blogs. I know I found a bunch last time around.
  8. It’s a great way for people to find your cool blog. Maybe they’ll even subscribe!
  9. It’s a great way to make new friends in the blogosphere. And we all need more of those, don’t we?
  10. It’s a free link that says whatever you want. And let me tell you, those free links are hard to come by!
  11. It can improve your search engine ranking. Pick a good phrase in your title and you can really see some traffic. The free links from me (and others!) can help.
  12. It improves your Technorati authority and ranking. Every link from a new blog moves you up the totem pole. One little a href at a time.
  13. There’s a prize. Nominal, yes, but fun, too. And no pressure—the prize winner is chosen totally at random, so everyone has an equal chance of winning!

Hope to see your entry next week!

Random MetaBlogging

What’s for dinner? (And a blogging tip)

I just made a Rachael Ray recipe for dinner tonight, and now I have 3/4 of a bottle of curry paste leftover—and nothing to use it in (unless I want to roast 8 cups of vegetables to make this again).

What to do?

Hooray, I get to save like an entire minute with this little gadget:

ingredient search

That’s my built in search engine box in Firefox (highly recommended browser, by the way!). Want an ingredient search? Look at this page. The ingredient search is the second one listed; the plain AllRecipes search is first. I use both.

The other search engines are available from and

Blogging Tip
Do you have a recipe blog? You can submit your recipe blog feed to Google Base (with some formatting) and get a pretty decent likelihood of being ranked for relevant recipe searches.


I spoke too soon…

Remember yesterday how I said I was surprised that the ants hadn’t started raiding?

I spoke too soon.

Our annual ant battle begins.

Today I vacuumed the living room twice. (We vacuumed it on Saturday, and vacuumed the dining room and living room yesterday.) My favorite way to get of ants is to vacuum up all the crumbs in the room—and any ants wandering around.

They come back.

So, who has a better (baby-safe) way to get rid of ants? I hear bay leaves are good. Borax (is that baby safe)?

Part of the problem is that the ants aren’t coming from outside. We’ve finally confirmed that they live under our house and come in through cracks between the wall and the floor. Better yet, the crawl space under that part of the house is way too narrow to get to the ant hill.

Any help?

[tags]pests, ants[/tags]


I’ve been memed (again)!

I’ve been memed again! Wesley Jeanne of Mountain Mama tagged me for a “one word” meme.

One word meme
1. Where is your cell phone? floor
2. Relationship? check
3. Your hair? messy
4. Work? rewriting
5. Your sister? three!
6. Your favorite thing? family
7. Your dream last night? none
8. Your favorite drink? tough…
9. Your dream car? Volvo?
10. The room you’re in? living
11. Your shoes? barefoot
12. Your fears? imperfection
13. What do you want to be in 10 years? home
14. Who did you hang out with this weekend? SMX
15. What are you not good at? outgoing-ness
16. Muffin? Please!
17. One of your wish list items? time
18. Where you grew up? Durham
19. Last thing you did? ‘nuggle
20. What are you wearing? blue
21. What aren’t you wearing? shoes
22. Your pet? outside?
23. Your computer? desktop
24. Your life? awing.
25. Your mood? good
26. Missing? many
27. What are you thinking about right now? TV
28. Your car? new!
29. Your kitchen? brown
30. Your summer? travel
31. Your favorite color? blue
32. Last time you laughed? afternoon
33. Last time you cried? Tuesday
34. School? heart
35. Love? forever

How about this for tags: if you’d rather do this meme than the last one, feel free!