
How to organize your closets

Hayden 13 months 008.jpgSince Lindsey asked, I thought I’d share my methodology for organizing closets. I did three in one week in March (and one was the craft closet/guest bed & bath linen closet, so you know it was stuffed!).

Before beginning: assess the damage. Figure out what organizing accessories you might need: hangers, bins, shoe shelves or hanging organizers (if so, approximately how many slots or linear inches will you need?). Find an activity for your children, if necessary (Hayden “helped” me—he’s really good at playing by himself).

Here’s my big secret: Pick a day and just do it. This might mean emptying the entire closet onto your bed or floor. That’s what I did. I took everything off the bar in my closet and sorted it into piles (still on hangers).

To make clothes look neater, hang them by garment length, sleeve length and/or color. My closet (above) is sorted by both garment and sleeve length. Ryan’s is sorted (kind of) by color and sleeve length.

Hayden 13 months 006.jpgGet rid of anything that doesn’t fit you (unless you’re pregnant and fairly sure you’ll be able to wear an outfit again by this time next year). Get rid of anything that doesn’t look good on you. Get rid of anything you don’t love. (This is why my Goodwill pile, right, is so big.)

Hayden 13 months 009.jpgTo make the closet look even cleaner, consider hanging sweater and shoe organizers and overhead shelf space. A clear floor does wonders for making that small space look neater. I have a hanging shoe organizer and two boxes on the top shelf. I have one big plastic bin on the floor of my closet that I’m trying to get rid of. (And a guitar and a flute, but I’m keeping them.)

Don’t have any shelves? You can buy cheap plastic shelves (like in my guest closet above) or wall-mounted shelving units to hang above the bar in your closet or elsewhere. When I was shopping for organizing stuff for this project, I saw entire shelf organizing systems that featured adjustable-height, wall-mounted bars, shelves and drawers. Barring that, buy under-bed storage boxes and put everything under the bed.

And the other big way I can help you: you can do it! I promise! If you can’t seem to be able to do it all at once, then even 15 minutes a day will make a difference. Really—if I had done it that way, it still would have taken less than two weeks.

Do you have any closet or other organizing tips? Leave a comment and be entered to win!

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MamaBlogga RSS Contest Winner

Sorry for the delay in this announcement, but the MamaBlogga RSS Contest winner is Jill Anderson! Jill received a one year subscription to Parenting magazine, which she was very excited about.

Jill also runs a business, Script-Yours that offers distinctive, personalized Christian gifts. Take a look—they’re pretty neat! (Be sure to look up close; I didn’t really “get it” until I saw the close up photos.)

Congratulations, Jill!


Why is my name so difficult for you to understand?

Dear Dry Cleaner Lady,

You seemed intelligent enough, so I’ll put this gently. It’s Jordan. I used to get Jordon a lot. I’ve gotten used to that one. I know the girl on American Idol spells it Jordin. Heck, the girl working at the grocery store spells it Jordyn. My great grandma made me a piggy bank when I was born and spelled my name Jorden.

And yet, it’s Jordan. Like in the Bible. And the River Jordan. And the sovereign state. It’s been in the top 100 most popular girls’ names for 18 years (top 100 boys’ names, 25 years). Better yet, the English form is from the Latin Jordanus. LATIN. Do you know how old that language is? Yeah, it’s thousands of years old. Spelled with an a.

So, for future reference, it’s probably safe to assume that it’s spelled Jordan, no matter what happens on American Idol.


Dear One Third of the People I Have to Introduce Myself To,

Jorda? You seriously thought I said my name was Jorda? What is that, some sort of speech-impaired version of Georgia? JordaN. N. Now I don’t even care what vowel the lady at the dry cleaner used; this is a major consonant here! In fact, it’s an entire syllable of my name that you didn’t even come close on.

Did you get bored halfway through my terribly long and uninteresting name and decide to tune me out? I know it does take nearly one second to say my name. I apologize.

The thing that really baffles me is that I don’t say ‘Jorda-n’ and you’re just missing the last part. If I’m really honest, I think this is how I say my name:


That question-mark-looking-thing isn’t a vowel; it’s a glottal stop. (It’s the non-vowel sound in ‘Uh oh.’) It means that I cease to vibrate my vocal chords. It’s the opposite of a vowel. And then I go straight to the ‘n.’ No vowels in the second syllable.

Maybe you are Catalan. If that’s so, you must already know that Jordà is Catalan for Jordan. That must be it.

I speak English. Jordan.


Random Kids/Parenting

Six of one, half a dozen of the other VI

Since last week I covered motherly chores that I like and don’t like (and since we’re in serious need of more Hayden pictures here!), here’s six chores that Hayden likes.

Six chores Hayden hates
Diapers. We have something in common!
Getting dressed. He does like it, however, when I let him walk around naked (diaper-clad) in the middle of getting dressed. Lately he’s started standing up, giving me a sly smile, waving bye bye and heading for the door.
Post-meal face washing. ‘Nuff said.
Vacuuming. Actually, he really likes me to hold him while I vacuum, but he can’t decide whether he’s thrilled or terrified.
Following Mom around while she does chores. What about me, Mom? Can I help? Can I have your duster/vacuum/broom/hands/attention/every waking moment?
Errands, although he does like his new big boy car seat:
Hayden in car seat

Half a dozen chores Hayden loves


Hayden 13 months 083.jpg
Hayden dishes
Hayden dusting
Hayden bathing
Hayden watering the lawn
Watering the lawn. See how he’s standing in the sprinkler path and has water all over him?
Laundry. Sorry, no pictures of him pulling the clean clothes out of the basket or getting caught in his hamper. Okay, okay, scroll down to the third picture in this post to see Hayden trapped in hamper.

My house should probably be a lot cleaner than it is with a little boy so obsessed with instruments of torture tidiness.


Before and after

I did it!

Hayden 13 months 002.jpgJR Bday and hair 010.JPG

Hurray for me!


Six of one, half a dozen of the other V

Yeah, I skipped last week. Whoops!

Six Motherly Chores That Really Bug Me

  • Diapers: but only when Ryan’s around.
  • Keeping Hayden out of stuff like the cat’s food and water, the trash, things I don’t want ruined, etc.
  • Laundry. Take a week off and BAM, you’re drowning in it. Oh, wait, that’s true of everything…
  • Feeding him solids used to bother me, but it’s not such a big deal anymore (now it takes more effort to feed myself!).
  • Taking out his trash or is that diapers again?
  • Going out: From gathering up everything we’ll need (though I’ve progressed to keeping his bag almost entirely ready) to struggling with him to get into the car seat (though that’s improved, too, since he switched to a big boy car seat). Despite those improvements, it seems like the smallest trip to the store or the gym is a major production.

Six Motherly Chores That (Surprisingly) I Don’t Mind

  • Diapers, especially when I’m the only one around to change them.
  • Still nursing at 14 months, though I am beginning to wonder when we’ll eliminate these last two feedings.
  • Feeding him solids once we really got into a rhythm with feedings, it’s not that hard.
  • Getting up with him at night now that he’s gotten much better about sleeping through the night.
  • Cleaning up his toys: he’s not that messy (yet).
  • Baths: they’re just so much part of our routine that they’re not a big deal anymore.

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