Kids/Parenting Random

Six of one, half a dozen of the other

I’m not a big fan of memes. Sure, I’ll play along, that’s fine. But there are lots of people who participate in three or four memes a week—or a day. It’s like that’s all they ever post.

I, on the other hand, like to do my own thing. Like start memes. I’ll call it “six of one, half a dozen of the other.”

Six of the Worst Things about “This Age”
Screaming. Hayden babbles a lot, but still can’t talk. So when he wants something (even just attention), he screams.
Late-onset separation anxiety. He hates me to leave him alone (unless he’s preoccupied with something else). Even if he’s playing with Daddy and I’m in our room, Hayden knows where I am and walks back to my room to get me, bawling if he can’t have his mom.
More nighttime sleep problems. Yeah. ’nuff said. It’s not so bad. Just a little rough at the time.
I DO IT MYSELF! This applies mostly to feeding himself. He’s quite insistent (c.f. ‘screaming,’ above).
Nap strikes. Some days it takes up to 90 minutes to get him down for a nap. Other days, he absolutely refuses to go down for a second nap. Either of these can make him overtired, and subject to more nighttime sleep problems (again, see above).
Diaper change strikes. Rolling, screaming, arching his back—our once docile boy won’t have his diaper changed unless he has a toy in his hands. Not just any toy. A good one.

Half a Dozen of the Best Things about “This Age”
Independence. I don’t have to constantly entertain him, nurse him, or hold him. I may have to wrangle him a lot more, but I can also put him in his high chair with some finger food and he’ll be set.
Toddling. You have to admit that there’s not much cuter than a little kid who’s just learning to walk, still a little bit unsteady on his feet, fully living up to the “toddler” label.
The Gusto. Everything Hayden does, he does it wholeheartedly. Whether he’s playing with a ball or screaming for it (cf ‘screaming,’ above), he’s entirely and unabashedly consumed by his activity.
Intelligence & Curiosity. Hayden loves to explore just about everything. He’ll pull things out from under the couch, find the smallest things in the strangest places and play with just about anything (once he’s tasted it, of course).
The Occasional Syllables. Every once in a while, Hayden gets a “mam” or “mama” (or “dad”/”dada”) at the right time. Each time he puts those sounds together while looking at us is enough to make us smile; paired with the last item on my list, it melts our hearts:
Affection. Sometimes, Haydie will be playing nearby and for no apparent reason, he’ll come over to me and rest his head in my lap or on my shoulder. He’ll pat my back while I hold him. This is pretty much my favorite.

There are challenges at every age. I’m looking forward to the time when Hayden will be able to talk to us and tell us what he wants without screaming, but I’ll take Hayden’s abounding (and bouncing) excitement upon seeing me every time he wakes up for as long as I can get it.

Random Work

PM on my MP experience

Now, from the professional side of the experience:

So, my time filling in for Andy Beal at Marketing Pilgrim has come to an end. I’ll still be a contributor and he and I will have to talk about my getting more involved, but for now I’m ready for a little break. (Just a little one, though.)

Overall, it was pretty much a great experience. I got some compliments from some other prominent bloggers. See?

  • Lisa Barone of Bruce Clay said: “If you’re looking for some more blogging resources, Jordan McCollum (who has been doing a stellar job filling Andy Beal’s shoes lately) posted some invaluable Resources for Corporate Bloggers, which are worth checking out.”
  • Kim Krause Berg said: “Thanks Jordan. . . . Kudos on the amazing job you’re doing at MP while Andy is off, btw :)
  • To which Lisa responded again: “And Jordan, if you’re checking in, Susan and I second Kim’s comment about what a stellar job you’re doing while Andy’s been away. You’re a breath of fresh of air over there at MP! We love it!”

Lisa really meant it, too. On Friday she posted about how many of the prominent blogs in Internet and search marketing brought on young female bloggers:

And then it hit them! They needed a hip female to ‘man up’ their blog. That will bring the masses. That will bring the links!So they did it. Rand hired Rebecca, and Bruce took me on a month later. And you saps fell in love with us. Ha!

Next thing you know, Jordan has us laughing at Marketing Pilgrim, Tamar has Chris Winfield under her spell, and Rhea is blinding the boys with her charm and stories about the disgusting things she’s done to tortoises. Forget Danny and Barry. Combined we are the IT girls of SEO blogging. The inner circle of female bloggers has brought a fun, fresh look to this often-too-techy industry. And we’re pretty too! Huzzah!

Every time I read it, I get a buzz. I’m an IT girl of SEO blogging? In the inner circle? How in the world did I end up here? (And she said I was pretty! Wow!)

Perhaps best of all, while Lisa was writing this and working away in the SEO trenches, I was probably changing Hayden’s diaper or vacuuming the living room.

Some people have all the luck. (id est, ME!)

Oh, and perhaps most importantly, Andy was pleased, too. (It is his blog, after all.) Something along the lines of “excellent,” and “fantastic.”

Okay, enough with the name dropping and “praise party” (the opposite of a pity party).

On the minus side, as I mentioned yesterday, I sometimes let my family slide. I justified it by saying that I had a commitment to MP and I needed to fulfil it, and it was only for a couple weeks. (The truth might be that I’m a crazy overachiever.) This includes time with Ryan, time with Hayden (to a lesser extent), and cooking dinner (which I regard as my job, but I also enjoy providing food for my family and cooking in general. My domestic goddess.).

Also a minus, I felt the need to conform to the Eastern time zone work day. Being in the Mountain time zone meant that I either had to get up between 6 or 7 to get blogging (and while getting up early is a beautiful thing, there are reasonable limits to everything!) or write posts in advance and schedule them (which meant my first posts of the day were usually not time-sensitive or news-related. I did a series on corporate blogging, among a few other things.).

On the whole, it was pretty awesome. I laughed, I cried, I made snide remarks and used plenty of sarcasm and suddenly broke into the inner circle. Yeah, pretty awesome.

Kids/Parenting Random Ryan/Married Life

Things I learned while “working” again

Here are my life lessons from “working” again this week:

  • Planning ahead is a beautiful thing. I think last Wednesday was the perfect day. I had three posts live before I got out of bed. So, naturally, I slept in.
  • Getting up early can also be a beautiful thing. Cue the picture of Haydie slapping his forehead. I can’t believe it either. But on days that I got up early, I got a ton done. Even if it was all I could do to wade through news stories and e-mails before Hayden got up, it made my day go smoother. (Also beautiful: going to bed at 9. Divine!)
  • I can afford to take time to myself. These last two weeks I’ve spent more time actually working than I have probably all year. And even then, I was still able to spend time doing what I want to do. Believe me, gentle readers, you will soon be reaping the benefits. (WINK!)
  • What I want to do is write. I know you were wondering when I said that a minute ago, so I’ll tell you. So even when I wasn’t writing for work, I was writing.
  • I need FlyLady. Of course, that realization might also be prompted by the fact that my family is coming to visit in like three weeks and my guest bedroom is full of stuff and my bedroom is full of Goodwill boxes that we’ve had packed for more than a year.
  • Family is most important. The thing I regret most about these last two weeks, even up until last night, was neglecting Hayden and Ryan. I was actually pretty good, considering the pressure of keeping up with literally thousands of posts per week, and doing a side job for Ryan’s work. (Ryan is handing in my resignation today, I believe.)
  • If Hayden doesn’t get up before 8, he will not take a morning nap. Never mind that he’s perfectly fine getting up at 7:45 and taking a nap at 9:45 or 10. Today, he got up at 8:30 and would NOT go to sleep until around noon. I’m hoping he’ll either sleep for another hour or wake up like now and take another (short) nap around 4.

And there he is!


“Put together”

Yesterday we had Ryan’s brother and his girlfriend (Sean’s, not Ryan’s) over for dinner. Dinner turned out okay (I didn’t tell them this, but it was leftovers, but still good).

I really like Sean’s girlfriend. She always seems to “put together.” I’m not sure how exactly to describe what I mean by this. It’s not like she’s wearing a complicated-yet-perfectly-coordinated outfit that consists of six pieces and twelve accessories. She can wear a sweatshirt and jeans and still come off perfectly polished.

I, on the other hand, am never perfectly polished. I rarely wear more than eyeliner and mascara (for special occasions I’ll put on eye shadow; if I had a particularly bad night I’ll wear foundation under my eyes). I’ve used a blow dryer maybe once in the last 6 months. Most days, I don’t even give myself a grade of ‘good enough’ before leaving the bathroom.

I come by it honest: I have never been perfectly polished. All through high school I wore no make up, never did my hair (unless you count brushing it or putting it in a ponytail), and wore jeans and huge T shirts (hm… like the one I’m wearing now; except I’m still in gym clothes now. I have a huge polo shirt picked out for my ‘after shower’ outfit. If I get around to showering; it’s 3:30 now).

It was actually a big deal for my friends to see me dressed up in any way (skirt; shirt that actually fit; nice pants). (This was a little funny to me, since I’m actually not one of those people that hates getting dressed up. I’m completely comfortable in dresses and actually enjoy wearing them on all day long on Sundays.) Of course, I was getting up at 5:30 in the morning, but I don’t know if that counts as an excuse.

In college, I got a little better. The summer before college, somehow I chose a ‘medium’ T shirt. Surprise! It was actually almost flattering. When I left for college, I ditched most of my oversized T shirts. (My mother got them back to me last year. What an angel. I’m making a quilt.)

After my freshman year, I worked in a retail clothes store. Because I got a discount on the clothes (and was required to wear them during work), I bought quite a bit of clothing. I still have a couple of these items stuffed away in a drawer (see picture; I’m taller).

And that’s the closest I’ve ever been to fashionable.

Do I want to be fashionable? Do I want to feel polished and put together?

Obviously some part of me does, or I wouldn’t be writing this. And while I spend quite a bit of time watching makeover shows, I don’t think that I’m really bad enough to qualify for them.

I also like to think the problem is more of a combination of a lack of time and a complete unwillingness to spend money on myself. Yes, unless I’m at a thrift store, I am actually incapable of purchasing clothing for myself. (Sadly, the thrift stores around here are so picked over by local college students that it’s rarely worth going.)

On the other hand, I also feel like looking “put together” just isn’t me. Is looking disheveled ‘me’? I don’t know. I’m not sure I want to know.

Maybe I’ll finish thinking about this another day.


Four things

Lindsey tagged me, so I’m it.

A) Four jobs I have had in my life:

  • Blogger
  • SEO copywriter
  • American Heritage TA
  • Custodian

B) Four movies I could watch over and over

  • Disney’s Robin Hood
  • Star Wars (A New Hope)
  • Emma
  • Indiana Jones (any, but especially Last Crusade)

C) Four places I have lived

  • Durham, NC
  • BYU (on campus housing)
  • Provo, UT (Glenwood, a duplex townhouse, another apartment)
  • Orem, UT

D) Four television shows I watch

  • LAW & ORDER (every day if possible)
  • CSI:
  • The Price is Right (every day if possible)
  • The Unit

E) Four Places I have been on vacation

  • Disney World/Universal Studios/Busch Gardens Tampa
  • The beach (NC and CA)
  • Carowinds/Kings Dominion/Busch Gardens Williamsburg
  • New Zealand

F) Four websites I visit almost daily

  • MarketingPilgrim (girl’s gotta work)
  • GMail
  • Blogger
  • Google Reader

G) Four of my favorite foods

  • Mac’n’tuna
  • Pizza
  • Italian food
  • Tender chicken (not to be confused with chicken tenders)

H) Four places I’d rather be right now

  • Bed
  • Snuggling Ryan
  • Playing with Hayden
  • On vacation

I) People that I think will assign to respond back

  • Ryan
  • Mom
  • Dad (anonymously if you have to)
  • Jasmine
Kids/Parenting Random

The Mothers-of-Boys Manifesto

It’s time I said something. I have to stand up for all the mothers of little boys out there.

We want adorably outfitted children, too! Yes, there are cute clothes for baby boys, but compared to the selection and cute-itude of baby girl clothes, them’s slim pickins. How many department stores have you been to where the infant/toddlers section has maybe three racks of boys’ clothes and 400 square feet of girls’ clothes?

Easter is the worst. Not only are we innundated with frilly pastel dresses, but even the boys’ selection seems to be all pink and purple—perfectly camouflaged with the girls’ clothes. (I think Hayden could pull it off, but I don’t think Ryan really wants him to!)

And then there’s the hair. Don’t even get me started on the hair.

So today, after Hayden fed himself breakfast:

I fixed his hair:

THERE, mothers of girls with adorable curls, precious pigtails, and beatiful bows and braids. Boys can have their mommies do their hair, too. And it can be perfectly manly.

The best part? His hair stayed like that the rest of the day. I’m telling you: applesauce+yogurt is the next big thing in hair products.