I can’t believe I’ve forgotten so many kids’ songs. I was swinging with Hayden in our backyard yesterday and couldn’t remember children’s song lyrics. I got a few lines or a chorus of
- “Polly Wolly Doodle”
- “Buffalo Gal”
- “Oh Susannah”
- “On top of Old Smokey” (the real words; I can remember “On top of Spaghetti”)
- And I completely forgot the title verse of “I’ve Been Working on the Railroad.” All I could get was the part about Dinah.
- And I tried really hard, but can only remember the title of “Camptown Races.” And the part about the bay.
And then Ryan was singing Hayden a Cub Scout camp song he calls “Patsy Odie Odie Ay”—and he forgot half the words.
We’re going to have to remember all these. Can’t let the rich American folk song heritage die with this generation!
Let’s get these lyrics. I don’t want to Google them—restore my faith in our collective memory. Who knows these songs?