Random Ryan/Married Life

Happy Anniversary!

Yep, right on the heels of my parents’ anniversary comes my own. I actually picked the day because I liked the date and because growing up I always thought today was my parents’ anniversary. I thought making it my own anniversary would help me to remember; instead, I mix them up constantly.

The last two years have been wonderful. It’s only been two years (and give me some credit for saying ‘only’), but I can’t really remember what it’s like to not have Ryan in my life.

It’s funny. My sister is seriously dating this guy, and to see them together and to know that they’re getting serious almost makes me jealous. It’s not that I want her boyfriend—naturally, I prefer Ryan. But to see them together is to remember what it’s like—the breathlessness falling in love and making big plans, the thrill of discovering someone who is just right for you, the excitement of getting to know him better and finding another way to love him and another way that he fits perfectly into your life with each new situation you find yourselves in.

At the time, it seems like it will never end. On one hand, it doesn’t end—but it does change. Either you get so used to the thrill that you become numb to it, or you become so used to being together that the thrill gradually fades to the background.

Either way, it changes. The breathlessness, the thrill and the excitement have been supplanted by sleeplessness, understanding, coziness and comfortableness.

While I was checking to make sure “comfortableness” was a real word, I came across this from WordReference, which I normally use for translations. The primary definition of comfortableness?

A noun
1 comfortableness
a feeling of being at ease in a relationship
Category Tree:

psychological feature





Happiness, at ease in a relationship, belonging. What an apt description. I like belonging—we belong together; we belong to each other. Sigh. I guess sometimes it’s not so hard to remember what it was like to fall in love. Ryan’s just one of those good cherries.


  • Ryan

Fridgie returns!

Our fridge is back online! After two weeks of a 50-degree fridge, the freezer slowly stopped working on Saturday. We emptied it (and our wonderful neighbors let us stick our food in their freezer chest!) and left it off to defrost overnight. We turned it back on and just look at the temperature now: just above freezing. And that’s on the fridge side!

Ryan is waiting to rejoice until we see if the change is permanent. Some of the freezer guts already have frost all over them again. I don’t actually know what part of the freezer they are; if I did I might be more concerned. The guts looks like this:

Is that bad?


Life is like . . .

It’s how the saying goes, isn’t it? I took these this week. I couldn’t resist—cherries were on sale.

I like what Mark Bittman has to say about cherries in How to Cook Everything: “There’s an occasional one or two in the batch that makes us pause and think, ‘Oh. Now I remember why I love these.’ But these days the fact is that a bowl of cherries is a lot like life—fairly mundane, with some high spots” (630).

Random Ryan/Married Life

Who *does* that? … Oh yeah.

While Ryan and I were visiting my family in North Carolina, we got the chance to go to the Raleigh Temple (i.e., where we were married) on Wednesday night. As we arrived, a wedding party was taking photos outside the temple (now I know that my letter from the temple specifically asked us NOT to have people in their bridesmaids dresses outside the temple, but anyway…). As we approached, I started to say to Ryan, “Who gets married on a Wednesday?”

Then I remembered. We did.

Hey, it’s a good day of the week to get married. Wednesday.



Random Work

Whatever I want?!

I went in to work on Friday for our weekly meeting. We talked about an upcoming (HUGE) project for a little while. Then my supervisor told me that after we finish the big project, she’ll turn me loose to do whatever I want.

Whatever I want? And get paid?! I wouldn’t even know where to begin. I mean, I’m guessing she means that my projects should be at least vaguely work-related, but still—pretty wide open.

Whatever will I do with myself? This project can’t be over fast enough!

My supervisor also talked about having me attend Omniture University. I love web analytics, so that would be awesome! Not sure what I’d do with Hayden for those few days, though. . . .

Just when I thought I’d hate my job forever. . . .



Happy Silver Anniversary!

Happy 25th Anniversary to my parents!

In honor of the occasion, I’ll add a line from a noted poem.

“… Hers parents were named Dinanah and Ben.”

My parents went up to the Virginia mountains, since they had to take Jasmine up there anyway. 25 years!