
X is for eXhausting

Rachel’s teething. This morning she woke up at 5 and bawled unless I held her. I can’t seem to get to bed before midnight. And yet nothing gets done! The housework piles up, the kids are couch potatoes or at each other’s throats and every day I fall further and further behind on my work.

Although I typically resort to wasting time on the Internet when I can’t deal with my life, I suddenly think maybe wasting time is closer to what I need to do.

Yesterday, I decided to give myself an extension on my writing project. I haven’t gotten much more “done” today, but I have felt 100% better than yesterday.

I’m really the only one who expects total perfection from me. When I force myself to do everything and be everything for everyone, I can’t succeed. Instead of setting myself up for failure, I need to look at what I’m expecting of myself. Reasonable expectations aren’t just for other people 😉 .

What do you think? How can you tell when you’re pushing yourself too hard? What do you do?