
Feeling fulfilled Friday 4

This week has been kind of interesting.

I’ve done a few things to feel accomplished: I’ve worked hard to be patient, I’ve exercised and I tore us away from the television, even if we had to leave the house (and spend money at the grocery store).

It’s really gratifying to be able to look at your week and know that it’s more than just a list of frustrations, and more than just a list of accomplishments, too. I felt this way this afternoon while I played blocks with Hayden. As simple as something like playing blocks seems, it’s little things like that at the heart of motherhood.

I’m also working on one last pass of my manuscript (again/for now), and I have to confess that sometimes I’ve let that take over. It’s hours of work a day—usually far more than I have time to do it. (As if that wasn’t already the story of a mom’s life!)

But I’m pushing myself really hard because I want to finish by the end of the month. It’s an arbitrary, self-imposed deadline—the worst kind.

After Hayden played blocks and went in to quiet time, I had to deal with a fussy baby for a while. (She still doesn’t like to be put down.) I complained that I hadn’t gotten anything done. While I’m focusing on feeling accomplished in motherhood, it’s not about getting things done—something I’ve said for a long time.

How’s that for a fine distinction 😉 ?

What have you done this week that made you feel accomplished? Want to share on your blog? Grab a badge!

2 replies on “Feeling fulfilled Friday 4”

I like your Filling Fulfilled Fridays. I am always rooting for you!

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