Kids/Parenting Fulfillment

Happy Thanksgiving

I’m thankful to be a mother because of my children. I love seeing their personalities emerge. I love seeing them discover new things and put together the pieces. I love helping them learn and grow. I love their hugs and kisses and the way their eyes light up when they see me.

Why are you thankful to be a mother?

Photo by Br Lawrence Lew, O.P.

4 replies on “Happy Thanksgiving”

I’m thankful to be a mother for 1,001 reasons but mostly because being a mom teaches me discipline.

Without my children, I wouldn’t eat at a table, or even eat regular meals at all. I would find a reason to make chocolate the main course of every meal and would miss all the dried worms on the sidewalk and all the lady bugs in the grass at the park. They teach me to see with eyes I didn’t know I had.

I am thankful to be a mother because three people exist that scream, “Mommy!” and come running to hug me if I’ve been out of their site for more than five minutes. I’m thankful to be a mother because it’s taught me to be more accepting of other people. Being a mother has given me more charity toward people inside AND outside of my family. Because I am a mother I am more patient, more understanding, less selfish, and more fulfilled. I am SO thankful to be a mother!

I´m thankful to be a mother becaused it has tought me a lot. I´ve learned how to see people as equal and there´s a story and a family behind every person you meet.

Being a mother gives me a purpose everyday; something to look forward to. And somehow or rather you feel a piece of you is always in your kids; so no matter what, I can always live on through my kids….Nothing beats that 🙂

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