
Hayden’s First Haircut

Saturday I gave Hayden’s first haircut. It’s a good thing he’s too young to be embarrassed by its quality!

Before haircut
before haircut (back)
During haircut
After haircut

Don’t worry, I saw that one long piece of bangs on his right and went back and got it—all too well, I’m afraid!

(Just to be perfectly clear: in July, I trimmed the hair above his ears and his bangs. I call this his first “trim,” and Saturday his first “haircut.” I saved some hair from both. I’m crazy like that.)

16 replies on “Hayden’s First Haircut”

I love the pose where he looks like, “Here comes the crazy lady with the scissors again– oy vey!”

The Boy had his first haircut at 5 months! It was hanging in his eyes already!

P.S. I’d save hair from both times too. ๐Ÿ™‚

Heร‚ยดs a real cutie and looks like you did a good job to me. I am glad you hit the 200 mark! I hit the 200 mark this week too. I really enjoy your posts even though I donร‚ยดt always take the time to comment.
Blessings from Costa Rica

Aww, he’s too cute! And I think you did a great job! Becca is 20 months now and nowhere near ready for a haircut yet… One of these days! ๐Ÿ™‚

Awww, he’s adorable, and so is his haircut. Kudos to you, I’d never dare try that myself.

He looks great! Mine had a mowhawk at 6 weeks. It stuck straight up from the back of his head. I had to cut it off. It was driving me crazy.

It looks good! I just pull out the buzzer for my boys because I know nothing about using scissors to cut hair.

oh my goodness….aww that makes me want to cry!

So grown up! You did a very nice job – they are wiggly little critters at that age. And looks like you have a young budding Ar-teest : ) (LOVE the scribble on the forehead!)

P.S. I have something for you in my morning post today…

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