
Start ’em young

I saw a study today from the NDP Group about children and technology. It said that:

On average, children begin using electronic devices at approximately 7 years of age with televisions and desktop computers showing the youngest initial exposure (about 4 or 5 years of age), and satellite radios and portable digital media players (PDMP) showing the oldest (about 9 years of age).

‘Round here, we start ’em young. Here’s a video of Hayden when he was six months (ie, during the silent film era):

3 replies on “Start ’em young”

so cute. we start them young here too. I sit with the boys and get on the thomas and friends site 🙂

Oh, that’s smart… I show Hayden Homestar…

My 3 year old also started young. Now she is so adept with the mouse, it scares us! Been playing I-spy PC version since she was 2!

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