Rachel has cut two new teeth this month, and she’s pretty happy about it:

We’re just happy to be done with teething. For now.
She has also discovered that walking isn’t just something you have to do when Mommy and Daddy make you walk between them, and she is now taking up to 4 or 5 steps away from furniture to get to toys or to get around her siblings.
Today we had an adventure. We have a trumpet in a case on the edge of our tub in our room. It’s pretty secure there, but today Rachel was trying to pull it down. I was worried she’d hurt herself, so I tried to move it. But when I picked up the case, it opened (it’s broken) and the trumpet fell out.
Right on her face.
She has a little cut below one eye, which might also develop into a black eye. This is what I get for trying to keep my child from hurting herself: I get to hurt her instead. Great.
Par for the course in a pretty crappy day. The older two begin every other sentence with “Mom.” Mom mom MOM mOM MoM mOM Mom mom MOM mOM MoM. “Mom, can I have some milk?”
“It’s right by Dad.”
“Oh. . . . Mom, could I have some milk?”
weeping, wailing, gnashing of teeth
In fact, the one who probably needs me the most is least demanding:

I told them today to stop saying my name. Unfortunately, this didn’t end the requests, though Hayden did “take out the ‘mom.'”
Thanks, son.
What do you think? Is this something they outgrow, or can I work on them with this?