
How do you know when you’re ready for your own blog design?

This entry is part 1 of 5 in the series Blog design

How can you tell if you’re ready for a custom blog design? I mean, sure you’ve always wanted something special for your blog, but how can you tell whether you’re ready to pay for that little extra something?

First, let me say that a blog redesign isn’t a little extra something. It’s a BIG extra something. And it may be a big extra something that you’re not ready for. Here are a few questions to ask yourself:

Do you feel like you’ve “outgrown” your default/free template?
Be careful as you answer this one. Would you be happy just switching to another free or default template? Or how about making (or buying) a custom header? If rearranging your sidebar widgets just won’t hold you, start looking for a blog designer.

Do you feel like it doesn’t “fit” your blog and/or you anymore?
If your blog has grown and changed considerably—or your life, and therefore, your posts and your blog—it’s probably time to go look for another design.

Have you changed focus, topic or theme since choosing your last design?
If you used to blog about high tech devices and now you’re writing about spit up, I probably don’t have to tell you that your old blog design probably won’t quite work here.

Do you have ideas about your ideal site design?
Not only does this make your blog designer’s job easier, but if you know where you want to go in your design, you can better judge if your current design will do.

Have you explored many free options (all the Blogger Templates,, etc.)?
You can customize the graphics and colors on many blog platforms, so even if you don’t like the color scheme or header image, you can ‘fix’ many templates as long as other important things are right for you, like blog layout.

Only you can know for sure if you’re ready to “make the leap.” Thankfully, in the mombloggyworld, it’s usually not a huge investment to get a new blog design, so your budget probably won’t figure in as much as it would for a professional business website.

Be sure to check in for more blogging tips next week and learn if you should try to redesign your blog yourself!


Working with a blog designer

This entry is part 3 of 5 in the series Blog design

Now that you’ve found the right designer for your new custom blog template, what’s next? I’ve dabbled in blog design, but for expert input I turned to Elizabeth of Gazelle Creative, Girly Blog Designz and Mommy Zabs.

Agree on payment
You probably set the price in the “opening negotiations” that we discussed last week, or your designer has a set price. Your designer probably also has a preferred method of being paid—PayPal, Google Checkout, check in the mail, your first born. Paying in advance (or at least on time) helps the process along, Elizabeth says.

Agree on a (working) deadline
Depending on how popular your designer is, this could be several months or a few weeks. Can you live with the deadline?

Naturally, you should be flexible with your designer: they’re doing you a service, and we all know how crazy life can get. Generally, etiquette asks that a designer let you know in advance if there will be any delays, but sometimes that’s not possible (hospitalization, for one example).

Have an idea in mind
Either from your favorite designed sites or (better yet) from the designer’s portfolio. Try to identify what it is you like about the sites: the colors, the layout of the columns, the clean lines, the way the header stands out or is integrated into the body.

Also helpful: Have at least one color chosen (I totally recommend for designing palettes; hat tip to Kasie).

Elizabeth agrees. She says that it’s easier to work with a client:

  • when they have a well articulated goal in mind. (ex. I would like 3 columns, girly blog, I like flowers, and have a passion for education. My main focus will be homeschooling.)
  • When they provide links to blogs (or sites) that have things they like about them. Anything that can give me an idea of what they like and what they don’t.

So, conversely, if there are some site designs that you don’t like, it can be helpful to point those out (especially if you can be more specific than ‘I hate this one.’) Another important point that Elizabeth makes is that it’s important to share with your designer what the themes for your blog are—and not just the colors. If you have any specific photos or clip art (which you own the rights to), obviously, share them with the designer.

Be specific and polite
Kind of reiterating what I just said, but by pointing out exactly what you want and don’t want, you’ll get there a lot faster than if you leave your designer to stab in the dark.

Be constructive and specific (again) about revisions
If you don’t like something in your new design, it’s up to you whether you want to try to live with it or ask the designer to fix it. Most of the time (especially if you’re polite about it), a designer wants to work with you to make you as happy as possible.

Bad examples of this might go:

Dear Designer,
You really screwed this up, didn’t you? Back to the drawing board.

Dear Designer,
I don’t like it. Can you fix it?

Better examples:

Dear Designer,
Thank you for my design! I like the design overall, but there are a few things that I don’t care for. Can we work on the way the comments display and the color of the headings (especially post titles and in the sidebar)?
Thanks again!

Dear Designer,
Thank you for working on my design. I see how you incorporated a lot of what I wanted into it. However, I was hoping for a bigger header and a darker background color. Could you fix that?

Sometimes your designer will automatically include a number of revisions (or batches thereof) in their price, though occasionally some will charge extra.

How do you know if now is the right time to buy a custom blog design? Come back next week to read more. Be sure to join in the Group Writing Project if you haven’t already!



Finding the right blog designer

This entry is part 2 of 5 in the series Blog design

You’re ready. Your blog’s ready. You want to really graduate to the big times. You want your very own, personal blog design.

Woohoo! Whether you decide to do it yourself or find a web designer, this is a very exciting time for your blog.

So, if you’re going the web designer route, how do you find one that will work for you?

See samples of their work
Look at your favorite blogs. Okay, blogs that you think are pretty. See if they have a designer credit (usually at the bottom of the page), or ask the bloggers who did their design.

If you already have a designer in mind, be sure to look through their portfolio (they should definitely have a collection of sample themes or clients’ blogs that you can look at).

What should you be looking for? You should be looking to see if you like some (or better still, all) of the designs that person has done. It can be helpful to point to elements their previous work and ask for something similar in your design.

You should also look to see if they work in the same “genre” (or at least style) as your blog. If they’ve done exclusively corporate blogs and you have a mom blog, they might not be a good match.

Check prices
You know how it goes: good stuff don’t come cheap. Generally, if you’re working with a designer that specializes in mom blogs, their prices will be far more affordable than “professional” blog designers’. Many blog designers charge flat rates and publish those rates on their websites. Others may give ballpark prices and/or estimates on the website, but the final price will be based on how extensive and custom your blog design is.

Make sure they work in your platform
If you’re on Blogger and they only do WordPress, that’s a problem. Blogger and WordPress are worlds apart; it would take a lot for a designer to learn an entire new platform just for one design.

Again, most blog designers will state directly on their blog what platforms they design for. If you’re using something other than WordPress, TypePad or Blogger, it may be a bit harder to find the affordable mom blog designer you’re looking for.

Make sure you understand exactly what you’re getting
Will your blog design include a just a new header? What about a favicon? Customized sidebars? For that matter, one or two sidebars—and will they cost extra? How many widgets will they include? Will the design for specific plugins? Will the designer “install” your new design for you and make sure it works on your blog?

Ask what kind of input they’d like
I believe most designers appreciate some direction when you’re working with them. I know that it’s really hard to make something a client likes when you have no idea what they’re looking for. I’ll have more on this topic next week, so stay tuned!

That’s right, next week we’ll have more on working with your chosen blog designer as well as another Group Writing Project!

Get more Works-for-me Wednesday!


Handling negative comments

I haven’t had to do this on here very often, but pretty regularly on my work blog, I have people comment who are . . . well . . . less than nice, we’ll say (or just wrong). While sometimes it’s pretty easy to handle comments I don’t really appreciate over there (often with more facts to back up my story), it’s a lot harder to do that in the realm of mom blogging.

If you’re posting about how cute your kids are or how you’re struggling with this behavior or how you’ve come to a self-discovery, it’s more than just annoying to have someone contradict you or treat you unkindly. It’s a bit of a personal affront—sometimes even an attack on your children or your parenting!

There are a few ways you can handle this. The best ways (the ways you would tell your children to handle this):

  1. Ignore it. If you’re really lucky, your bloggy friends will even come to your defense. Just the other day, I saw a friend of mine share a personal story and someone called her out for being unchristlike. I was the first person there after that comment was left, and I vehemently (but hopefully respectfully) disagreed. Several subsequent commenters did the same.
  2. Settle it privately. If your blogging platform allows, email the person directly. You could explain that, while you don’t particularly appreciate the way that they’ve phrased their concerns, you’d like to know if there’s something you could do better in your blogging (or parenting, if you’re really feeling generous) in the future.
  3. Use concrete facts. If the person is disagreeing with a factual assertion (instead of just your opinion), you can provide more information on the facts you’re citing, such as their sources.
  4. Point to your blog comment policy. If you’ve already written one, and this comment violates the guidelines you’ve set forth, inform the commenter privately (via email) or publicly (via the comments on that post). Take whatever action you say you will in your policy (deleting the comment, banning the commenter, etc.)

Possibly less productive:

  1. Call them out. In the very next comment you make, point out that they’ve been unkind, that that kind of behavior would be unacceptable from your children, and it’s unacceptable on your blog.

Downright counterproductive:

  1. Tit for tat. Reflect everything they’ve said back on them in your next comment or, worse yet, track down their blog and make a similar comment.

There are a few other solutions that I’m not sure what category to put them in:

  1. Play the martyr. Face it, we’re moms: we can do this with the best of them. As we should all remember from being children, guilt trips and the martyr card don’t really solve anything though.
  2. Delete it. If your comment policy says you’ll delete abusive comments, or negative comments, do it. If you don’t have a comment policy, the general bloggy community shuns deleting comments just because they disagree with you. However, on a personal blog—it’s your blog.
  3. Block that commenter. Depending on the nature of the comment, it may take only one comment to warrant blocking them, especially if it’s in your comment policy. Even if it’s not, it’s your blog, your family and you. Protect them if you feel you need to.

What do you do when you receive a negative comment? What has worked for you? What hasn’t?

More WFMW.


New Year’s Blogging Goals

I wrote about setting goals for your blog in August and got a lot of good responses. Now that New Year’s is rolling around, it’s a good time to think about setting goals for your blog (and, of course, other areas of your life, too, if you want).

As a very quick review of my previous post, blogging goals (like all other goals) should be:

  • Recorded
  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Personal
  • Discrete
  • Achievable

As part of recording my blogging goals, which are also very manageable (very important for busy moms!), I left a comment over on the post What are your blogging New Year’s Resolutions? at Misc Mum:

Blogging goal: comment on 10 different blogs each week (not for work), at least 2 of them blogs I’ve never commented on before.

Feel free to share your blogging goals at Misc Mum or here!

You might also enjoy reading Setting blog goals for the New Year by ProBlogger.