Fulfillment Kids/Parenting

Motherhood: opportunities to love

One of my dear friends enjoyed a transcendent-ordinary moment of motherhood the other day. It was an average day, but when her daughter found a new game, she took that opportunity to enjoy her daughter instead of focusing on what she needed to get done right! that! minute! (Ten guesses what I tend to do!)

You can read all about the completely adorable game her daughter invented, and how my friend embraced it. Elisa concludes:

It struck me that this sort of thing is exactly what makes motherhood worthwhile in the day to day ordinariness of routine: taking those fleeting opportunities to love.

And I couldn’t say it better.

How can you celebrate the ordinary by taking the opportunity to love today?

Photo by Tiffanie

Kids/Parenting Fulfillment

Throw yourself into your work

Be sure to check out my guest post on literary agent Nathan Bransford’s blog today, The Top Seven Things Every Aspiring Author’s Website Must Have!

stepping_stonesI know it’s been a while, but I haven’t forgotten about our path to fulfillment!

One of the things that helps me to just relax and enjoy motherhood is doing just that. When I get down on the floor and let myself play with them—not worrying about how much I’d rather be writing or whether a new story or comment or email has come along—is not only (at least mildly) entertaining, it makes me feel like a good mother. Woot for a sense of accomplishment.

Now, this is hard for me, because I don’t really find my kids’ games all that stimulating. (They’re under the age of four; I’m not. It’s okay.) But placing that priority on my children and their play helps me to get my priorities in order.

kids-january-2009-005On the other hand, I’ve found activities we enjoy together—reading, for example. And even when the play isn’t something I would have chosen (I grew up with three sisters! I don’t know how to play cars!), I find that the best part is often watching my kids play, imagine and interact.

I can’t do it all the time, and I know that we have to always strive to take time for ourselves, but when I do make the effort to throw myself into my work as a mother, I actually enjoy it more and worry less.

What do you think? Have you found benefits from playing with your kids? What do you like to play?