
The dumbest line from a Christmas song is . . .

There are some beautiful songs that celebrate the Christmas season out there. They celebrate the birth of our Lord, the time we get to spend together as families during this holiday season and the beautiful, universal themes of peace on Earth, good will to man.

And then there are all those other songs. Some of them are fun to sing, some of them are really obnoxious. Some of them make you want to scream.

And some of them just don’t make any sense. Here’s my favorite example of a line from a Christmas song that makes no sense whatsoever, in or out of context:

Christmas comes this time each year.

Um, yeah. . . . And Thursday comes this time each week. Thanks for the lesson immemorial about . . . the calendar.

What’s your favorite dumb line from a Christmas song?

Keep your eyes peeled! The December GWP is coming next week!