It’s feeling fulfilled Friday on MamaBlogga! Here’s how it works:
- Make a list of things that make you feel accomplished (but aren’t so huge that they take more than a day or a week)
- During the week, try to focus on those things that help us feel accomplished
- Report on feeling fulfilled Friday
And it’s time for a Group Writing Project!
My week:
All things considered, it’s been a pretty good week. Although I seem to be pathologically incapable of getting in bed before midnight, and Rachel pathologically incapable of sleeping past six all of a sudden, I knew I was going to have to make an extra effort to remain sane this week. And of course, sometimes when you strive to be everything you can for your kids, all they can do is demand more. But hey, sometimes when you make the extra effort, it actually works!
Group Writing Project!
It’s been over a year since the last Group Writing Project on MamaBlogga. As a quick refresher, a GWP is when we all write on the same topic, to see lots of different peoples’ perspective on a topic. This time, the details will be a little different. Instead of one entry a piece submitted over a week, we’re going to have lots of possible entries per person, over the course of the month!
How to enter:
During the month of October, participate in Feeling Fulfilled Fridays. You can enter blog posts on things that make you feel accomplished (especially as a mother), your “feeling accomplished” list, and of course, a Feeling Fulfilled Friday report.
Blog entries must be new, posted in October 2010, and you must use the form to submit each entry (it’s too easy for me to miss them otherwise!).
Other ways to enter: spread the word about the Feeling Fulfilled Friday GWP on Twitter, Facebook or another social network. (But I must be able to see your post—if your Tweets are protected or your Facebook privacy so high that I can’t see the posts, I can’t count them!) Again, use the form to let me know.
What you win
Yes, seriously. There’s a prize. Maybe more than one—depending on how many entries we get.
At least one post, chosen at random, will receive a gift card to! Woot! Fill up your Kindle—or make a downpayment on one!
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<a href="" title="Feeling Fulfilled Fridays" style="text-decoration: none;"><img src="" style="border: 1px solid #4c2400;" alt="Feeling Fulfilled Fridays badge" /><br />feel fulfilled in motherhood with MamaBlogga</a>
Previous Group Writing Projects: