Hayden and his Paw Paw (great grandpa) got into it on Thanksgiving. Who will win?
Tag: Pictures
Growin’ boy
Okay, okay, I know no one cared about what I did over my Thanksgiving vacation. You’re still waiting with bated breath to see what Hayden’s been up to. How was he on the plane? Any milestones in NC? Is he walking yet?
The flight was great. In fact, we just let Hayden fly by himself. Look:
Okay, so really the flight out was a bit rough but the flight back was pretty darn good.
Other things in Hayden’s life:
- All he wants for Christmas: Two new teeth this last week. His top teeth are HUGE. Relatively speaking, I guess.
- A budding love of music: discovered the piano at my parents’. I swear he got to play it more often than I did. My mom gave him a baby piano for our Christmas. It’s among his favorite toys now. Jasmine gave him a Leap Frog drum. He’s begun to understand that one better in the last few days.
- Not quite ready to walk, though.
By the way, the above video was courtesy of my parents’ new digital camera. It’s the first digital ‘talkie’ that stars Hayden. Many more to come (hopefully). Another excellent Christmas gift from my parents: a mini DV camcorder. Just gotta get my hands on a firewire cable.
The opening bell
Today officially marks the beginning of the holiday season: I ate the last of the Hallowe’en candy today.
I’m in an unusually Christmas-y mode lately. I don’t know why. But I’m excited about Thanksgiving, too—and especially about seeing my family.
More odds’n’ends:
I like this picture:And I’m grateful to have a husband that gives Hayden his bath almost every night. (Also, check out the water droplets in the photo; very cool!)
I have “Hate (I Really Don’t Like You)” by Plain White T’s (how they spell it) in my head. I like it.
Tonight I was thinking about how much I love Hayden and suddenly wanted to have another baby. Then I remembered that I already have a baby. I think I’ll take my time.
I got an offer today to do some contract work for another company for quite a bit more than I normally make. Merry Christmas to me!
Okay, I obviously need more sleep. I’m off to get some. But knowing Hayden, just some.
I’m a fan
Hayden really thinks this fan is “cool.” Just getting it near him is enough to make him smile! He’s a fan of . . . the fan.
He looks a bit sad here. Possibly because he’d broken the law. See the “I voted” sticker on his hand? Does he look 18 to you? I’m a fan of voting.
Hayden is a fan of himself lately. He’s discovering all the neat things he can do. For example, he can cross his fingers:
Stick out his tongue:
Stand up, sit down:
Fight, fight, fight!
I guess he’s a fan, too. Just not of the applesauce.
And I tip my hat
Hayden’s recently become fascinated with his head. Sometimes he seems to think the best way to explore something is to head butt it. He has done this to doorknobs, the TV and the windows lately. Luckily, he’s not doing it too hard.
He’s also a little confused by hats. He’ll hit a hat on his head a few times. He likes to play with the brim of his ball cap as well: This makes me think of an old Ernie classic. I tried to sing it to my mom on Sunday, but this is clearly the better option:
Today’s post is brought to you by the letters F and O.
F is for fall. In the fall, leaves fall off the trees. Eventually Daddy rakes the leaves into a pile (or, for our house, one pile and one line…. long story). Then Mommy and Daddy torment the baby by trying to make him play in the leaves.
Yeah, he didn’t like that. So I guess O is for . . . offensive and oops.
In knitting (or in the world of knitting blogs) F and O stand for Finished Object. These rare completed works are deeply reverenced.
It’s a green baby sweater. Okay, so technically I still have to block it and put on buttons, but still. This took me almost exactly six days, which I think is pretty quick for any project. I was pretty pleased.
In case you can’t tell, the sweater is a raglan sleeve sweater in stockinette stitch with a seed stitch border. The pattern was in the summer 2003 issue of Knitty. I added the patch pocket to cover up a particularly ugly failed graft.
I love Knitty. I’ve just begun Ivy, which I’ve been talking about for several weeks now. I really hope my annual knitting kick lasts long enough for me to use up at least most of the (somewhat expensive!) yarn I’ve gathered so far this season.
Patch pocket pattern: CO 8 sts. Row 1: Knit. Row 2: p1, m1, p to last st, m1, p1. Work 8 more rows in stockinette stitch. Row 11: * k1, p1, rep from * to end. Row 12: * p1, k1, rep from * to end. Row 13: as Row 11. BO all sts. Sew onto sweater, seed stitch edge on top.