
Mom bloggers in the Top 5 writing project

Last week, ProBlogger ran a Group Writing Project with the theme of “Top 5.” There were nearly 900 entries. I noticed several mom (and dad) bloggers among the lists, so I scoured the lists of participating entries and compiled the lists by, about or for parents.

Before you tune out, would any other mom bloggers be interested in another group writing project? Any ideas for a theme? Leave a comment!

And now for the posts. Enjoy!

Oh, I forgot mine: Five Things Moms Do Right.


Blogging resources

Over at Marketing Pilgrim, I did a series on corporate blogging and concluded with a list of resources for corporate bloggers. So, since I’ve done a series here on blogging this week, I’ll conclude with resources for the rest of us.

Complete Feeds
These are blogs where every post or almost every post relates directly to skills and techniques you’ll want to implement.

Outstanding Posts

Actually, I owe this week’s series on blogging to Michelle. I e-mailed her to get MamaBlogga included in her Google Custom Search Engine for Momblogs and we conversed about blogging. She was glad to talk to a mom blogger who’s a real blogger, too—and I definitely return that compliment.

So this concludes this week’s blogging series: You can stay with Blogger, The Ultimate Guide to Migrating from Blogger to WordPress, Why I miss Blogger and Why I love WordPress.