
U is for underwears!

Rebecca hit an important, long awaited milestone this month: potty training! She was so excited to pick out her own “unnerweaws!” (Minnie Mouse). She was less excited for the actual potty training (though she did like the floppy buns I pulled her hair into; “my siwwy eaws!’ [ears]).

We did the Toilet Training in Less Than a Day method again. Although it book-coverlived up to its name with Hayden, it took two or three days for it to really click with Rebecca.

(I know. I’m disappointed potty training took three whole days.)

But now, three weeks in, she’s doing absolutely great! She’s afraid of “big poddies” (I had to bring her home in the middle of church yesterday to get her to go), but very good at waiting until we get home.

We’re proud of our big girl!

What milestones have you hit this month?

(Another U note: I taught our preschool for the U week, right before General Conference, so I taught the kids who President Uchtdorf [counselor/assistant to the Prophet] is. When Hayden was learning the planets with Nana this week, she was reviewing and tried to get him to name a planet that began with U. “Planet Uchtdorf!” Hayden declared.)


Get on the potty train

Yeah, that’s how Hayden understood the phrase “potty training”—something about trains? And potties?

But he did a lot better with understanding the actual potty training. I saw this book in the library and although I was skeptical, I picked up Toilet Training in Less Than A Day. It took about two hours to read, and it still sounded too good to be true.

book-coverSo with a grain of salt, we sat down in the kitchen to learn about this potty train. Following the procedures of the book, Hayden taught a doll how to go potty, answered endless quizzes on potty procedures, regularly spent 10 minutes on his potty, and checked to see if his pants were wet.

And, um, it worked. He didn’t even really have an accident that first day, though it did take three hours before he went to the bathroom the first time, no matter how much drink I forced down his throat.

And then there was the next day. No accidents. And none the next day. And other than one bedwetting incident, no accidents the next week. This week, we’ve had one bed wetting incident.

Hayden now knows how to use his little potty, empty it into the big potty, flush, replace the bowl and wash his hands all by himself (though he does seem to like an audience still). When he’s in nursery or day care at the gym, he knows to ask his teachers for help. He still needs a little help with wiping, and we have to turn the light on for him (and really, he does like an audience), but often I don’t even know he’s gone until he shouts, “Mommy, I peed!”

So yeah. I can’t promise Toilet Training in Less Than A Day will work for everyone, but much to my surprise, it worked for us!



All quiet on the MamaBlogga front

A quick update: We’ve been working on toilet training Hayden this week, so most other things have taken a back burner. Don’t worry, things are going fantastic so far! Keep your fingers crossed for us.