Kids/Parenting Work


Hooray! I won! Thank you for all your help! I win two books (well, three if you count the one that I won from eComXpo) and am entered into the final four to be judged on merit. I don’t expect to win (I think week one’s winner was very good and there are a few good entries this week), but I’m just excited. I got 633 unique views—I think that’s my lucky number. It was the time that Ryan was born (PM) and it was my house number when I met Ryan. Plus, I only won by 3, so thanks to everyone that visited my article. I’ll get those links all over the page down ASAP.

Hayden’s excited for me, too (you need to watch this more than once to get it to work right):

Yesterday he learned to clap! I was able to catch the tail end of his third attempt. He seems to like it—it’s making noise!

Finally, I think you should go to Google if you’re “White & Nerdy” and a fan of Weird Al. He’s back—with a vengeance. Sadly, my conscience says I can’t link to it since there are like 1 or 2 inappropriate parts. But you can find it yourself.

It’s a parody of “Ridin'” by Chamillionaire. Reminds me of the time I asked Hayden how he wanted to ride (ie backpack or frontpack). I looked at my pasty white baby and immediately knew the right answer, “Mama, I wanna ride till I die.”

Maybe that part’s only funny to people who really did grow up (in but not of the) gangsta.


A stand-up kind of guy

I finally filmed Hayden in the process of standing for all to enjoy.

Hard to believe he’s getting so big! He now spends quite a bit of time trying to stand up while holding on with only one hand. It’s so strange to think that he’ll be running around soon!

And, of course, please read my article!


Get up, stand up

Ryan got these adorable fleecey jammies for Hayden at Costco. They even glow in the dark. So here’s a picture of Hayden in them:

Oh yeah, and he’s standing up. Pretty impressive, huh?

Okay, so I set him up there. But this is all him:

It’s a bit dark, but the basic idea there is Ryan tosses Hayden down on the Love Sac (Hayden loves that!). Hayden pulls himself from a reclining position to a sitting position, then bends his knees and launches himself at Daddy.

Hayden was over by the TV and quite upset as I was typing this. Then he crawled over between the couch and the loveseat to come find me. Well, me or the cords under the desk. He’s in an I-play-with-all-things-electrical phase lately. He’s got fists like a steel trap and they’re clenched on my mouse cord right now. I guess this into-everything phase is going to last oh, another 17 years.


The debate is over

The debate is over!

He’s definitely crawling now!


Big day!

A big day for Hayden today, if you think this counts as crawling:

Yes or no?

Well, even if that doesn’t qualify as crawling, it’s still a big day: tooth #2 made its big debut today.

How is Hayden taking it? We’re coming up on hour #2 of trying to put him to bed. If it’s not one thing, it’s another!



Hayden had his first solid foods on August 4. By that Sunday, we has pretty excited to be eating pears!

Okay, okay, those weren’t his first bites. He seemed to like it a lot more at the beginning:

Today he tried oatmeal for the first time: definitely more like the first video.