
Those kids!

rebecca 14 sept 08 blue dress smilingI finally went through all the adorable clothes my sisters-in-law sent for Rebecca. Suddenly, instead of worrying about how often I have to do laundry and how to make sure people can tell my yellow-clad baby is a girl, I’m worried that she’ll grow out of these cute outfits before she gets to wear them! (Not likely, since she’s still just a tiny girl, but still.)

She also has just enough hair to hold a clip. Normally this clip goes on a headband, but the headband kind of leaves a dent in her skull…

Hayden continues to be a great big brother.
Hayden and Rebecca 14 sept 08
He is very sweet and gentle with Rebecca. Well, he’s very sweet in general. Lately, his favorite conversation goes like this:

“Mom? Mom? Mom?”

Sigh. “What.” Not a question.

“I yubs you . . . [voice jumps an octave] O MU-UCH!”

“I love you, too, Hayden.”

“Me? Oh wow! . . . ‘S guud.”

This cute little number is one of my favorites. It was a gift from my Aunt Janie, and it reminds me of my wedding dress.
rebecca 21 sept 08 yellow dress

I had pictures of Rebecca in a cute dress from my Aunt Janet, but it looks like all those pictures were on my in-laws’ camera! (Can you guys send us some copies?)

11 replies on “Those kids!”

Oh! So cute. They are both so big!

Thank you all!

MZ–We need more pictures of Avery! Are there some on your Facebook?

Aw, Jordan! Hayden and Rebeccah are both ADORABLE! I love Hayden’s recent favorite conversation… must make you feel so great! And I have to agree that Rebeccah is already so big, I can hardly believe it! … so… I am an awful neglectful friend who hasn’t done her duty or privelege to send a baby gift yet. It sounds like you’re getting all the fun stuff from your fam and probably still had the essentials from Hayden… but is there anything you WISH you had that you just don’t feel right about indulging in because it isn’t really a NEED? I’d love to get you something like that… Please let me know!

Rebecca looks like she’s creepin on the cat in the first picture lol!

Your little blessings are so precious! What sweet pics! Love the Hayden ‘melt your heart’ comments! 🙂

Love the kids! I still smile when I talk about my vist with Hayden – he is soooo sweet. I can’t believe how much the baby has grown, she is still beautiful! Kiss them both for us.

Jordan, she’s so sweet! I love the picture of the two of them together – and Rebecca is absolutely precious in that gorgeous dress. 🙂

She looks so different in each picture I can’t wait to meet her. 8 days!

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