
Werbecca has a name for Hayden

Several months ago, we taught Rebecca (or Werbecca, as Hayden says it) a sign for Hayden: patting her shoulder. She didn’t say much of anything back then, and we figured she might want to refer to (or tattle on) him every once in a while.

While we’re still teaching Rebecca lots of signs, we’re trying to encourage her to use her “words” more. For example, Pinky is probably one of her favorite things to sign about—she needs to know the whereabouts of her stuffed rabbit at all times. We taught her to tap her index finger on her chin to refer to Pinky (the sign for ‘red’; I figured the sign for pink was still a little challenging). If we ask her to “Say Pinky with your mouth!” she moves her finger up to tap on her lips.

Hardy har har, little girl.

About a week and a half ago, Rebecca finally found her voice—but not for Pinky. She started calling Hayden “Eee.” (Considering Hayden calls himself “Haydie” almost exclusively, it’s not that surprising.)

There is a drawback to this, however. She’s now rhymed all our names, and every hour or so she feels compelled to take roll: “Da-Dee? Da-Dee? Da-Dee? Mahmee? Eee? Eee?”

She’s also taken to referring to Nana as “Nanee”—which is exactly what Hayden called candy.

That’s pretty sweet 😉 .

What are your favorite new word stories?

2 replies on “Werbecca has a name for Hayden”

Our Little Sweet Girl is talking? I miss you guys!

great post! love the roll call, but my fave is signing pinky with her mouth. smart kiddo!

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