
Why I “Dig” Jesus

So I’ve been tagged by Laura at OpinionMom to share 5 things I dig love about Jesus. I’ve been obsessing over this list because I want to get the ‘right’ five (as if my salvation or yours depends on this!). But since it doesn’t, I’ll just go with the first five that come to my mind and heart.

  1. He has graven me upon the palms of His hands; my walls are continually before Him (Isa. 49:16).
  2. I can do all things through Christ and then enabling power of His atonement—and more than once this week, I’ve had to pray just to make it out of bed in the morning.
  3. He was tempted in all points like as I am—He knows what I’m going through (but, y’know, without the whole sinning part; Heb 4:15).
  4. He is the great mediator, the intercessor, the only one who can reconcile my soul with God’s justice.
  5. He is the light, the life and the way, the perfect exemplar.

So, there are some rules about tagging five more people, but I’m not always sure that my blogging friends want to discuss their beliefs (and not every personal blog is the right forum for that kind of discussion).  Instead, feel free to share your five things (or one thing) in the comments or in your own post (just let me know about it).


4 replies on “Why I “Dig” Jesus”

I found my way here from reading your SEO writings, as I’m in that industry. I’m delighted to learn you’re also a follower of Jesus, and trusting in him so strongly! Thanks for posting this type of advice here. Feel free to email me if you want to talk about God and work and family. Blessings!

Thanks, Don. I actually received my only comment on the root URL on StumbleUpon from this post and it was very rude and negative, so I’m always glad to hear a positive response!

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