Kids/Parenting Fulfillment

You did it!

Hayden likes to sit on the couch. Especially if I’m there. It’s still a tiny bit too high for him to climb up on his own, so I help him. I can actually just stick my foot out and he can climb on that. So I help him climb up—on my foot, my hand, a step stool, whatever.

He climbs and climbs like he’s scaling Everest. When he finally gets himself situated on the couch, I exult, “You did it!”

Did he do it? Mostly. I helped a little. I realized once that it’s how life is. Our parents get us started. They point us in the right direction, train us up in the way that we should go, instill values in us. And boy, is it ever a big responsibility.

But in the end, it will be mostly our own efforts that count. Our parents can try all our lives to teach us right from wrong, but we have to choose to act on those teachings. And boy, is that ever a big responsibility!

One time, a few months ago, after I helped him up, he turned around, sat down and then lean forward and demanded, “Mmm! Mmmm!”

He wanted a kiss.

I’ll take whatever thank you I can get for today’s boost.

6 replies on “You did it!”

I’m so excited to come play with Haydie today!

That is too sweet!

The other day Princess caming running into the living room,

“What did you do baby?”
“I did up the button on my jeans!”

I will never forget how exultant she was when she announced that.

Awww, so sweet! one of th best parts of aprenting is giving the little boosts. Especially when you realize that one day they won’t need them anymore.

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